Webinar dedicated to the latest developments in the FinDatEx work on the TPT Template on 23/01 at 14.00.
Webinar dedicated to the latest developments in the FinDatEx work on the TPT Template on 23/01 at 14.00.
FinDatEx publishes a new version 1.1.3 of its European ESG Template (EET).
FinDatEx is pleased to announce the release of the updated Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 7.
TPT V7 is now open for public consultation until 15 October 2024.
EMT V4.2 Template contains supplementary UK-specific section linked to detailed on-going cost fields.
FinDatEx, is pleased to announce the commencement of the FinDatEx Data Quality Survey.
EET V1.1.2 reflects all feedback received since the publication of V1.1.1 by making the necessary amendments.
FinDatEx publishes FAQ regarding the use of PAI data fields in the EET.
EMT V4.1 contains additional data fields to comply with the upcoming UK consumer duty regime
EET V1.1.1 contains data fields for exchanging information on investments in fossil gas and nuclear
FinDatEx publishes supplementary EET data fields regarding investments in fossil gas and nuclear.
FinDatEx will implement the amended SFDR RTS into the EET.
FinDatEx publishes an update of its European ESG Template (EET).
FinDatEx publicly consults the update of its ESG template - EET V1.1.
FinDatEx published a new version of the EPT incorporation additional fields for the UK market
TiSA publishes Best Practice Guide to completing the European ESG Template (EET)
FinDatEx makes available EET explanatory recordings.
FinDatEx discontinues its MiFID ESG working group.
Publication of the European ESG Template (EET V1) and the EMT V4.
The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group prepared an update of the European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT 2.0)
The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group prepared an update of the European PRIIPs Template (EPT).
FinDatEx consults on a new European ESG Template (EET) and an update of the European MiFID Template (EMT).
Public information on the availability of the EET v1.0 and the EMT v4.0.
The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT).
Changes to its WM-EMT format by data provider WM Datenservice required editorial amendments to both EMT V3.0 and 3.1.
The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT).
On 07 September the European Commission finally published the long awaited revised PRIIPs RTS
The PRIIPs TWG starts its discussions to update the EPT and CEPT templates
FinDatEx starts work on ESG data standards
PensionsEurope becomes the 8th member of FinDatEx
FinDatEx publishes EMT V3.1 as an interim version to facilitate compliance with MiFID II/SFDR Level 1 requirements.
The European Feedback Template (EFT V1) is now available.
FinDatEx will soon start working on the MiFID ESG target market concept
The FinDatEx platform has today published the 5th version of the European Solvency II template (TPT V5).
Webinar dedicated to the latest developments in the FinDatEx work on the TPT Template on 23/01 at 14.00.
FinDatEx publishes a new version 1.1.3 of its European ESG Template (EET).
FinDatEx is pleased to announce the release of the updated Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 7.
TPT V7 is now open for public consultation until 15 October 2024.
EMT V4.2 Template contains supplementary UK-specific section linked to detailed on-going cost fields.
FinDatEx, is pleased to announce the commencement of the FinDatEx Data Quality Survey.
EET V1.1.2 reflects all feedback received since the publication of V1.1.1 by making the necessary amendments.
FinDatEx publishes FAQ regarding the use of PAI data fields in the EET.
EMT V4.1 contains additional data fields to comply with the upcoming UK consumer duty regime
EET V1.1.1 contains data fields for exchanging information on investments in fossil gas and nuclear
FinDatEx publishes supplementary EET data fields regarding investments in fossil gas and nuclear.
FinDatEx will implement the amended SFDR RTS into the EET.
FinDatEx publishes an update of its European ESG Template (EET).
FinDatEx publicly consults the update of its ESG template - EET V1.1.
FinDatEx published a new version of the EPT incorporation additional fields for the UK market
TiSA publishes Best Practice Guide to completing the European ESG Template (EET)
FinDatEx makes available EET explanatory recordings.
FinDatEx discontinues its MiFID ESG working group.
Publication of the European ESG Template (EET V1) and the EMT V4.
The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group prepared an update of the European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT 2.0)
The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group prepared an update of the European PRIIPs Template (EPT).
FinDatEx consults on a new European ESG Template (EET) and an update of the European MiFID Template (EMT).
Public information on the availability of the EET v1.0 and the EMT v4.0.
The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT).
Changes to its WM-EMT format by data provider WM Datenservice required editorial amendments to both EMT V3.0 and 3.1.
The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT).
On 07 September the European Commission finally published the long awaited revised PRIIPs RTS
The PRIIPs TWG starts its discussions to update the EPT and CEPT templates
FinDatEx starts work on ESG data standards
PensionsEurope becomes the 8th member of FinDatEx
FinDatEx publishes EMT V3.1 as an interim version to facilitate compliance with MiFID II/SFDR Level 1 requirements.
The European Feedback Template (EFT V1) is now available.
FinDatEx will soon start working on the MiFID ESG target market concept
The FinDatEx platform has today published the 5th version of the European Solvency II template (TPT V5).
ESG | European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.1.3 18 December 2024 FinDatEx publishes version 1.1.3 of its European ESG Template (EET). This new version brings minor amendments in comparison with its predecessor. The amendments reflect the ESMA fund naming guidelines, and PAB and CTB compliance, and the data fields required by them. Changes have been made to the disclaimer and data fields 1, 29, 35, 36, 63, 65, 213, 461, 590, 591, 593, 594. This also includes some editorial corrections. Data field 580 (60440) has been amended to reflect an update to the German MiFID ESG target market concept. The concept itself is provided under the tab for country specific explanations. All data fields that have been worked on are highlighted in yellow. FinDatEx recommends using version 1.1.3 as of 1 January 2025 and decommissioning version 1.1.2 as of 1 July 2025. European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.1.3 (20250212- EET V1.1.3.xlsx) |
Show older versions | |
European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.1.2 20 December 2023 The new version EET V1.1.2 includes typo corrections, transition from M/C to O of transitional scope 1, 2 data fields, and two new data fields 103 (Frequency of PAI) and 616 (snapshot list of invested countries in the sovereign sub part of the portfolio). V1.1.2 does not contain any structural change in comparison to previous versions. V1.1.2 can be used from 31 December 2023 and should be delivered before end of March 2024 for SFDR entity level reporting. European ESG Template (EET) V1.1.2 (20231205- EET V1.1.2.xlsx) | |
European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.1.1 18 January 2023 The EET is updated to V1.1.1 which newly contains in one file supplementary data fields regarding investments in fossil gas and nuclear - see lines 682 ss. There is also one new data field on complementary PAI information - see lines 709 ss. Following the end of the transition period on 30 April 2023, V1.1.1 will be the only version of the EET that should be used. Later in 2023, the dedicated working group will revisit and restructure the EET and transfer the supplementary fields to the main structure of the EET. European ESG Template (EET) V1.1.1 (20230105- EET V1.1.1.xlsx) FinDatex EET V1.1.1 Explainer ppt Feb 2023 (FinDatEx EET V1.1.1 feb 2023.pdf) FinDatEx EET PAI Explainer ppt Oct 2023 (EET - October 2023 - PAI focus.pdf) | |
European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.1 24 October 2022 The EET V1.1 updates V1.0. It does not implement new regulation but updates the initial EET in view of the applicability of the SFDR RTS as of 1 January 2023. FinDatEx recommends that V1.1 should be used for exchange between product manufacturer and distributor/insurer as of 1 December 2022. Against the background of technical practicability, FinDatEx expects that V1.0 should not be used anymore after 30 April 2023. For the differences between V1.1 and V1.0, please see the annexed explainer ppt. Update (06/12/22): A separate supplementary file has been added to EET V1.1 which contains preliminary data fields for the exchange of information on investments in fossil gas and nuclear. This supplement will be reviewed and integrated into the EET in early 2023. EET V1.1 (20221021- EET V1.1.xlsx) EET V1.1 explainer ppt (FinDatEx EET V1.1 Oct 2022 - Explainer ppt.pdf) EET V1.1 supplement (fossil gas and nuclear) (20221202-EET - SFDR complementary Fossil Gas and Nuclear fields.xlsx) | |
European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.0 14 March 2022 The European ESG Template (EET) is meant to facilitate the necessary exchange of data between product manufacturer and distributor for the purpose of fulfilling ESG-related regulatory requirements contained in the SFDR, relevant provisions of the Taxonomy Regulation, and the relevant delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD. The EET V1 is based on the regulatory situation on the day of publication and will be reviewed regularly depending on the evolving regulation, and at least confirmed annually. With regard to the MiFID target market, the EET interacts with the EMT V4. FinDatEx recommends the delivery by product manufacturers as of 1 June 2022. EET explanatory recordings: Introduction, Guidelines of the work, General presentation, Detailed presentation, Country specific fields European ESG Template (EET) Version 1.0 (20220314 - EET V1.0 - final.xlsx) EET explainer ppt (FinDatEx EET explainer 20220314.pdf) TiSA Best Practice Guide to completing the European ESG Template (EET) (TISA-EET-Best-Practice-Guide-2022-1.pdf) | |
SLV | Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 7.0 17 December 2024 FinDatEx is pleased to announce the release of the updated Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 7, reflecting a thorough review by the TPT Working Group (TPT WG). This new version incorporates essential updates to align with recent Solvency II regulatory changes and address key industry challenges. FinDatEx Updated TPT V7 Template (TPT_V7 20241125_last.xlsx) PIK guidelines (PIK guidelines 240913.xlsx) |
Show older versions | |
Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 6.0 14 March 2022 The updated TPT V6 incorporated minor corrections of errors that were brought to the attention of the TPT WG. This new version includes minor changes compared to V5.0 (published in January 2020) and should have very limited impact:
Additional guidelines were issued, refining the description of some datapoints helping users modelling FX forward, FX options, FX future transactions, Interest Rate Swaps, Credit Derivatives Swaps consistently.
V6 can be used with the effective start date of 31 March 2022. On an interim basis, in Q2 2022, V5 and V6 can be used parallel. It is recommended using V6 Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT) Version 6.0 (TPT_V6 20220314 final.xlsx) Additional guidelines (20220110_TPTV6_Additional _guidelines.docx) | |
Solvency II Tripartite Template - Version 5 - Guidelines on Field 137 17 December 2020 The FinDatEx platform has made an improvement to the fifth version of the European Solvency II template (TPT V5). The working group has received numerous requests for clarification from stakeholders regarding field 137. In order to facilitate the completion of this field, the TPT WG has included a transcodification table between NACE codes and ESA sectors, to be applied depending on CIC codes. TPT V5, applicable as of 31 March 2020, was endorsed by FinDatEx and members of the FinDatEx Steering Group. The FinDatEx SII WG strongly recommends market participants to use V5 as TPT V3 and TPT V4 will no longer be maintained after the last Solvency II reporting period of 2020 (i.e. February 2021). After this period, these reports may no longer be considered as “standard”. Solvency II Tripartite Template - Version 5 (TPT_V5.0 (added guidelines) PMP.xlsx) Solvency II Tripartite Template – Comparison V5 vs V4 (20200116_TPT_V5.0 vs V4.0 - CHANGES.xlsx) Solvency II Tripartite Template - Q&A (20200505_Q and A_TPT.pdf) Solvency II Tripartite Template – Additional guidance (20200116_TPTV5_additional-guidance.pdf) | |
MiFID | European MiFID Template (EMT) Version 4.2 22 April 2024 FinDatEx publishes the final version of the EMT V4.2 Template. The current template integrates the previous one (EMT V4.1) with a supplementary UK specific section linked to detailed on-going costs. European MiFID Template (EMT) V4.2 (FinDatEx - EMT V4.2-22.04.24.xlsx) |
Show older versions | |
European MiFID Template (EMT) V4.1 Editorial Update 3 May 2023 This update contains an editorial amendment within field 09060 "Outcome of PRIN Value Assessment Or Review UK": the word "both" has been deleted. EMT V4.1 Editorial Update 03.05.23 (20230403 - FinDatEx - EMT V4.1-Editorial_Update_20230503.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template (EMT) Version 4.1 11 April 2023 The EMT is updated to V4.1 to comply with the upcoming UK consumer duty regime. The EMT V4.1 includes 10 new optional fields (which become mandatory and conditional apply only if 09030 is set to is set to "Y") required for funds being distributed in the UK. The UK FCA has set out an expectation that manufacturers will communicate the outcome of their initial assessment by end of April. Please note that the EMT V4.0 and V4.1 will be used in parallel (depending on whether a product is being distributed into the UK). European MiFID Template (EMT) Version 4.1 (20230403 - FinDatEx - EMT V4.1.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template (EMT) Version 4.0 14 March 2022 The EMT V4 replaces V3 and V3.1 which are valid until 31 July 2022, while V4 has to be used as of 1 August 2022. As of that date, V4 will be the only current version of the EMT. V4 is similar to V3: data field 05105 asks if the product considers sustainability preferences. The country-related sections and the information on Art. 8/9 product type, which had been introduced in V3.1, have been removed. This information, as well as any ESG-related data fields, are now subject to the European ESG Template, EET. European MiFID Template (EMT) Version 4.0 (20220314 - FinDatEx - EMT V4 - final.xlsx) | |
EMT V3.1 editorial update 2 December 2021 This update contains an editorial amendment to data field 00090_Product_Category_Or_Nature_Germany. The column on Codification has been amended (number 30 has been changed to 33) and categorisation codes have been updated in the relevant tab. Delivery of these new keys will be possible from 01.01.2022 for the German market. EMT V3.1 - Editorial update (20211028 - FinDatEx - EMT V3.1.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template - Version 3.1 12 February 2021 EMT V3.1 has been endorsed by the FinDatEx Steering Group. This is an interim version of the EMT to facilitate compliance with SFDR Level 1 requirements as of 10 March 2021. EMT V3.1 and V3.0 coexist and cannot be merged. In comparison to V3.0, data field 56 has been updated and data fields 95-98 added. European MiFID Template - Version 3.1 (20210129 - FinDatEx - EMT V3.1 final.xlsx) | |
EMT V3.0 editorial update 2 December 2021 This update contains an editorial amendment to data field 00090_Product_Category_Or_Nature_Germany. The column on Codification has been amended (number 30 has been changed to 33) and categorisation codes have been updated in the relevant tab. Delivery of these new keys will be possible from 01.01.2022 for the German market. EMT V3.0 - Editorial update (20211028 - FinDatEx - EMT V3.0.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template - Version 3.0 10 December 2019 The EMT Version 3 was endorsed by FinDatEx and members of the FinDatEx Steering Group. An immediate switch-over to EMT V3 is not required, as all EMT users are anticipated to migrate over to V3 by 10 December 2020 at the latest. European MiFID Template - Version 3.0.xlsx (20191210 - FinDatEx - EMT-V3.0 - ENDORSED.xlsx) European MiFID Template - Comparison V3 vs V1.xlsx (20191210 - FinDatEx - EMT-V3.0 vs V1.0 - CHANGES.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template - Version 2.0 *new version available* 8 April 2019 The EMT Version 2 was adopted by some national associations in 2018 and is used only for structured products. The template has not been endorsed by FinDatEx or by members of the FinDatEx Steering Group. European MiFID Template - Version 2.0.xlsx (European MiFID Template - Version 2.0.xlsx) | |
European MiFID Template - Version 1.0 *new version available* 1 February 2019 Version 1 of the European MiFID Template was finalised in August 2017 and is currently being reviewed. Please note that this version of the EMT has not been endorsed by the FinDatEx Steering Group. European MiFID Template - Version 1.0 (European MiFID Template - Version 1.xlsx) EMT V1.0 - Q&As (EMT V1.0 - Q&As.xlsx) | |
PRIIPs | EPT Version 2.1 Editorial Update 12 October 2022 This update contains an editorial amendment to data field 125: 08040_UK_Anti_Dilution_Benefit_Derived. The column on Codification has been amended, as well as the Comment and the PRIIPs KID Condition. EPT Version 2.1 Editorial Update (EPT_V2.1_Final_editorial update_12 October.xlsx) |
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European PRIIPs Template (EPT) Version 2.1 23 September 2022 EPT V2.1 The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group has developed a new version of the European PRIIPs Template (EPT V2.1) making the necessary additions to deal with the new UK PRIIPs regime amended by FCA on March 2022. Therefore, the EPT V2.1 includes an additional section required now for the UK market.
The EPT V2.1 will coexist with the European PRIIPs Template V2.0 (EPT V2.0); the latter incorporating the necessary changes made by the revised PRIIPs RTS, published by in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 December 2021. European PRIIPs Template - Version 2.1 (EPT_V2.1_Final.xlsx) | |
European PRIIPs Template - Version 2 8 February 2022 The European PRIIPs Template v2.0 (EPT) incorporates the necessary changes made by the revised PRIIPs RTS, published by in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 December 2021. European PRIIPs Template - Version 2 (EPT_V2.0_FINAL.xlsx) | |
European PRIIPs Template 4 February 2019 Version 1.1 of the European PRIIPs template was adopted by some industry associations in October 2017. Please note that this template has not been endorsed by the FinDatEx Steering Group. European PRIIPs Template - Version 1.1 (European PRIIPs Template - Version 1.xlsx) | |
European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 1.1 4 February 2019 Version 1.1 of the CEPT was finalised in October 2017. The CEPT includes additional data points to facilitate KID production for insurance companies. Please note that this template has not been endorsed by the FinDatEx Steering Group. European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 1.1 ('Comfort' EPT.xls) | |
PRIIPs | European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 2.0 1 May 2022 The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group has updated the European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT 2.0) making the necessary changes to reflect modified data that is based on the PRIIPs Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 and revised PRIIPs Delegated Regulation (regulatory technical standards, RTS) published by the European Commission on 7 September 2021. The use of this template is based on a bilateral ("comfort") agreements between providers of underlying options for PRIIPs and insurers. European Comfort PRIIPs Template - CEPT Version 2.0 (CEPT-V2.0.xls) |
Show older versions | |
European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 1.1 4 February 2019 Version 1.1 of the CEPT was finalised in October 2017. The CEPT includes additional data points to facilitate KID production for insurance companies. Please note that this template has not been endorsed by the FinDatEx Steering Group. European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT) Version 1.1 ('Comfort' EPT.xls) | |
MiFID | European Feedback Template (EFT) Version 1.0 1 December 2020 The European Feedback Template (EFT V1) standardises the information to be sent back from the distributor to the manufacturer under the MiFID 2 target market requirements. This is the first European wide feedback template. European Feedback Template (EFT) Version 1.0 (20201007 EFT V1.xls.xlsx) |
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