Work in progress

Work in progress

This page lists “work-in-progress” of the FinDatEx technical working groups, once draft templates have been prepared by the technical working groups and are ready for public consultation. Stakeholders not participating in this ongoing work are given the opportunity to comment on draft templates, before they are officially adopted by FinDatEx. Please note draft templates shown on this page are therefore pending approval and are not final.

FinDatEx will invite feedback on draft templates on an ad hoc basis. Public consultations will be notified via the ‘news’ section of the FinDatEx website.

For any questions, you may contact [email protected].

FinDatEx Opens Public Consultation on TPT V7
17 September 2024

FinDatEx Opens Public Consultation on TPT V7


The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group has updated the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT). 


Key updates in this new version include enhanced descriptions for bonds with multiple maturity dates, featuring "expected maturity date" information, an updated description of infrastructure (datapoint 147) and improved descriptions for loans with Payment in Kind (PIK) features. Guidelines for consistent implementation of PIK were also developed.


In line with FinDatEx governance, TPT V7 is now open for public consultation until 15 October 2024. Stakeholders are invited to submit comments to [email protected].


The technical working group will review feedback and make any necessary adjustments to the template.

 PIK guidelines 240913.xlsx
Template (SLV-24-011a.xlsx)
EMT V4.2 - FOR CONSULTATION [consultation closed]
15 March 2024

FinDatEx consults the EMT V4.2 which integrates V4.1 with a supplementary UK specific section linked to detailed on-going costs.

Comments on this consultation can be sent to [email protected] until 5th April 2024.

8 March 2023

FinDatEx consults the EMT V4.1 which integrates the upcoming UK consumer duty regime. The draft includes 10 new optional fields (which become mandatory and conditional apply only if 09030 is set to is set to "Y") required for products being distributed in the UK. These fields include:

  • 09010 & 09020: Ex-ante and ex-post transaction costs (using the UK calculation methodology)
  • 09030-09100: fields providing information on UK value for money

Comments on this consultation can be sent to [email protected] until 24 March. Please see the corresponding news item for more detailed information.

7 October 2022

FinDatEx consults the EET V1.1. Comments on this consultation can be sent to [email protected] until 21 October 2022. See also the according News Item and the explainer ppt added to this consultation.

 20221006- EET V1.1.xlsx
Template (ESG-22-074.xlsx)
22 August 2022

The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group has updated the European PRIIPs Template (EPT V2.1) making the necessary changes to deal with the new UK PRIIPs regime amended by FCA on March 2022. The EPT V2.1 includes an additional section required now for the UK market. In accordance with the FinDatEx governance, the EPT 2.1 is now under public consultation until 19 August 2022. Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback or comments via email to [email protected].

Information note: Members of the FinDatEx PRIIPs TWG considered different options about how to integrate the new UK regime - including the option of having two different versions of the template depending on the addressee of the template - and they finally opted for a single template integrating both markets.

Template (PRIIPs-22-009.xlsx)
10 March 2022

The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group has recently updated the European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT 2.0), making the necessary changes to reflect modified data that is based on the PRIIPs Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 and revised PRIIPs Delegated Regulation (regulatory technical standards, RTS) published by the European Commission on 7 September 2021. 

The use of this template is based on a bilateral ("comfort") agreements between providers of underlying options for PRIIPs and insurers.

In accordance with the FinDatEx governance, the CEPT 2.0 will be under public consultation until 31 March 2022.

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback or comments via email to [email protected].

Template (PRIIPs-22-007.xls)
4 February 2022

The European MiFID Template (EMT) v4.0 is published today for consultation until 25 February 2022. Stakeholders can provide their comments by email to [email protected].

The EMT v4.0 is meant to update and replace both v3.0 and 3.1, and will interact with the EET v1.0 which is being consulted upon in parallel. It is intended to make the final version of the template available to the public by mid-March. Please see also the dedicated news item.

Template (MiFID-22-007.xlsx)
4 February 2022

The European MiFID Template (EMT) v4.0 is published today for consultation until 25 February 2022. Stakeholders can provide their comments by email to [email protected].

The EMT v4.0 is meant to update and replace both v3.0 and 3.1, and will interact with the EET v1.0 which is being consulted upon in parallel. It is intended to make the final version of the template available to the public by mid-March. Please see also the dedicated news item.

Template (m-ESG-22-004.xlsx)
4 February 2022

The European ESG Template (EET) v1.0 is published today for consultation until 25 February 2022. Stakeholders can provide their comments by email to [email protected].

The draft EET reflects current regulatory requirements stemming from SFDR level 1 and RTS, as well as the delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD introducing the concept of clients' sustainability preferences, and its effect on the data exchange between product manufacturer and distributor/insurer. It is intended to make the final version of the template available to the public by mid-March. Please see also the dedicated news item.

Template (ESG-22-044.xlsx)
TPT V6 Draft for consultation 20211129 - CONSULTATION CLOSED
7 December 2021

The FinDatEx SII technical working group prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT), making modifications to ensure compliance with the current SII regulation.

This new version of the TPT allows investors to consider the valuation of collateral received in their calculation of SCR and thus reduce the cost of capital in some cases. Therefore, two fields have been added at the end of template. This new version only includes minor changes and should have very limited impact on production process.

In accordance with the FinDatEx governance, the TPT V6 is now under public consultation until 21 December 2021. Stakeholders can provide their comments by email to [email protected]

In terms of next steps, the TWG will review the input received and update as appropriate.

EPT V2 - Public Consultation *CONSULTATION CLOSED*
2 November 2021

The FinDatEx PRIIPs technical working group has prepared an update of the European PRIIPs Template (EPT). In accordance with the FinDatEx governance, the EPT 2.0 is now under public consultation until 22 November 2021.

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback or comments via email to [email protected].


Please note that the changes between EPT1.1 and draft EPT2.0 have been highlighted in green. In terms of next steps, the technical working group will review the input received and update the template as appropriate.

Template (PRIIPs-21-006.xlsx)
FinDatEx - Competition Compliance Statement
10 March 2021

Attached stakeholders will find the FinDatEx competition statement.

EFT V1 - Public Consultation - CONSULTATION CLOSED
30 September 2020

The EFT Version 1 is published today for public consultation for one month until the 30th of October. Please send any feedback you may have to [email protected]. The proposed implementation date is 1st of January 2021.

 20201007 EFT V1.xls.xlsx
Template (MiFID-20-005a.xlsx)
TPT V5 - Public Consultation - CONSULTATION CLOSED
6 November 2019

The FinDatEx Solvency II technical working group has prepared an update of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT). In accordance with the FinDatEx governance, the TPT V5 was under public consultation until 6 December 2019.


Please note that:

      -The significant changes between V4 and V5 have been highlighted in red

     -Other changes are marked in yellow

In terms of next steps, the technical working group will review the input received and update the template as appropriate.

Template (SLV-19-003.xlsx)
EMT V3 - Public Consultation - CONSULTATION CLOSED
1 October 2019

Dear Stakeholders,

The FinDatEx MiFID technical working group members have worked the last five months to revise the draft EMT template. In accordance with FinDatEx governance, this template V3 was under public consultation until the 1st of November.

Coordinators and members of the technical working group will review the input received and update the template as appropriate.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

 20190920 - FinDatEx - EMT-V3.0 CLEAN.xlsx
Memo for action (MiFID-19-004.xlsx)

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