
1 March 2021

FinDatEx launches dedicated ESG workstream and application for experts

FinDatEx today announces the launch of a dedicated ESG technical working group (ESG TWG) to work on European ESG Template(s), EET. The work of the ESG TWG entails the coordination and organisation of standardisation work to facilitate the exchange of ESG data between market participants as required in order to comply with European financial market regulation.

To ensure meaningful and effective discussions, it was agreed to limit the ESG TWG to 80 active members, divided between product manufacturers, banks, insurance/pensions industry and other ESG experts.

How to apply for the ESG TWG

To apply, please fill out the online form. The deadline for applications is 21 March 2021. Shortly after this deadline, the FinDatEx Steering Group will carefully review all applications and endeavour to achieve a fair balance between industry sectors, companies and geographical location when making appointments to the ESG TWG. We will then inform applicants for active membership whether their application was successful. In any case, all applicants will then receive further information on how they can access information on the ESG TWG.

How to apply to become coordinator of a technical working group

If you are interested in becoming a technical coordinator and are able to justify the necessary technical expertise and availability, please fill out the online form and send your motivation letter and CV via e-mail to the [email protected]. The deadline for applications is also 21 March.

Please sign in with your email and password or click on the 'Sign up' link to sign up.

We will send you a new password if we have an account matching your e-mail address.

We will send you a new password if we have an account matching your e-mail address.